Wealth of Wisdom (W.O.W.) is a non-profit group that seeks
to educate, inspire and empower individuals to build a more secure future
for themselves, their families and their communities.

The Time is W.O.W.! Wealth of Wisdom was conceived by a group of dedicated individuals to address the financial crisis in our country via a unique approach: gathering like-minded people together in small groups to share financial insights, tools and inspiration. Together we can build a better future for ourselves, our families, and our communities.

According to a recent Google Consumer Survey, roughly 62% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings, and 21% don’t even have a savings account. A similar survey found that 62% of Americans have no emergency savings for a medical crisis, car repair, or unanticipated household expenditures. Regardless of who or what is to blame, most people today share a concern for the security of our jobs, our communities, and our country. W.O.W. addresses these concerns head-on with a commitment to sharing money wisdom and support in an accessible, personal and social setting. The concept of self-reliance lies at the heart of W.O.W.: Consider it financial DIY in a support-group setting.

Why W.O.W.? Wealth of Wisdom encourages people to take charge of their financial destiny. This isn’t about hiring a financial planner or saving more; it’s about giving people the information and tools they need to secure their own future. Sharing money wisdom in a group setting alleviates the stigma and shame that can be associated with financial challenges. This is a comfortable, fun and enjoyable learning experience, supported by knowledgeable advice and unbiased information. By demystifying the elitism of finance, W.O.W. is dedicated to building resilience one person at a time, thus strengthening the community at large.

We are a grassroots financial movement that
shares money wisdom
in a social and inclusive
to empower us as individuals
and strengthen our communities

Wealth of Wisdom was founded by four passionate financial experts on the New Hampshire Seacoast. We are served and supported by our W.O.W. Board of Directors, comprised of local leaders from a diverse array of industries—from design, technology, law, finance and marketing—each with prior non-profit experience. Here’s what motivates us to share Money Wisdom:

Karen Parker Feld  I launched Wealth of Wisdom as an antidote to the widespread anxiety and financial insecurity that exists in our society. Despite the array of information and tools out there, many people feel uncertain and overwhelmed when it comes to planning for their futures – and deeply skeptical about who or what they can trust. My goal is to bring people together in a safe and empowering setting, to learn from one another, share best practices, and help each other along. There is strength in numbers, and a wealth of wisdom to be shared in building a brighter future.

Stephanie Griebel I want to break through the inertia that keeps people from facing their financial affairs. The sense of the unknown in life can be overwhelming and downright scary. It leads people to feeling paralyzed, getting bogged down in details, or living a life of procrastination. Helping people realize it’s not that hard is W.O.W.’s goal. Through a series of small, simple steps, participants can achieve a sense of control and create meaningful improvements in their financial lives. By building the spirit of W.O.W. we can stand strong as individuals, while supporting our community. W.O.W. is about empowering people to live their most meaningful life – one that embraces simplicity, security and success.

Sean McMullen I believe we must create a bridge between the actions people need to take to secure their future, and their ability to achieve their goals. W.O.W. builds that bridge by sharing financial information in a concise, social and entertaining manner. Today, it goes against the grain to discuss money matters with people outside your immediate family. The small-group setting of our Money Wisdom workshops allows participants to develop their knowledge and confidence together, offering information, encouragement and support to one another. The W.O.W. team cares deeply about the well-being of others.

Allison Bolia We live in an era of increasing social disconnect, overextended schedules, and widespread misinformation and misconceptions. As a result, people feel a sense of isolation in sorting out their finances—and often it never ends up becoming a priority. The stigma of debt and financial illiteracy can deter willing individuals from taking the first step: deciding to make a change. W.O.W. recognizes the value of having a trusted friend to turn to discuss these difficult subjects, without judgement. We created W.O.W. to provide this information and support, because we want to see you succeed.

“The quickest way to double your money is to fold it
over and put it back in your pocket.” – Will Rogers

Workshop Topics Our series of mini courses are a carefully-selected offering of Money Wisdom designed to empower you as an individual and strengthen your community. Topics include:

  • Embracing Financial Empowerment
  • Developing Your Productive Assets
  • Establishing Spending Priorities
  • Mastering Your Debt
  • Investing Basics

Additionally, we offer creative one-off workshops with topics that include:

  • Money Strategies for Couples New and Old
  • Everything You (N)ever Wanted (But Need) to Know About Taxes
  • Education Planning Strategies: What You Need to Know
  • Retirement Boot Camp: Are You Ready?
  • Tips and Tricks That Qualify You for the Tightwad Olympics

Our W.O.W. workshops, which include weekday evening sessions and weekend afternoon power sessions, are ongoing. To find out about our upcoming workshops, please contact us at info@wealthofwisdom.org